Alicona InfiniteFocus SL - Optical 3D Measurement

InfiniteFocusSL is a cost efficient optical 3D measurement system for easy, fast and traceable measurement of form and finish on micro structured surfaces. Users measure both form and roughness of components with only one system.In addition, color images with high contrast and depth of focus are achieved. The long working distance of up to 33mm in combination with its measurement field of 50mm x 50mm allows a wide range of applications. Measurements are achieved in seconds and features, such as a coaxial laser for quick and easy focusing, further increase usability. With an automation interface, InfiniteFocusSL is also applied for fully automatic measurement in production.

Key Highlights

  • Focus Variation
  • Full form measurement
  • Precise, fast and flexible

Focus Variation

  • The technology combines the small depth of focus of an optical system with vertical scanning to provide topographical and color information from the variation of focus
  • Basically, Focus-Variation is applicable to surfaces with a large range of different optical reflectance values. As the optical technique is very flexible in terms of using light, typical limitations such as measuring surfaces with strongly varying reflection properties even within the same field of view can be avoided. Samples can vary from shiny to diffuse reflecting, from homogeneous to compound material and from smooth to rough surface properties.
  • Focus-Variation overcomes the aspect of limited measurement capabilities in terms of reflectance by a combination of illumination, controlling the sensor parameters and integrated polarization. Modulated illumination means that the illumination intensity is not constant, but varying. The complex variation of the intensity can be generated by a signal generator. Through the constantly changing intensity far more information is gathered from the samples´ surface.

Steep Flanks

Light coming from different directions is used to positively influence a measurement. The measurement of the maximum flank angle is not restricted by the numerical aperture of an objective. Depending on the surface users measure surfaces with slope angles up to 87°.


True color information

Bruker Alicona´s Focus-Variation provides color information of surfaces in addition to depth information. Users receive a color image with full depth of field which is registered to the 3D points.

Varying Surface Reflection

SmartFlash allows high resolution measurements of materials with varying surface characteristics or reflectivity. Modulated light provides optimal illumination throughout the whole measurement area. Users measure glossy, ground, rough, reflective and diffuse components.


Robust against Vibration

For each measurement point Bruker Alicona systems process information not only from image points directly in the focal plane but also from areas out of focus. As focus information is utilized over a larger scan depth, the influence of vibrations on the measurement is reduced to a minimum. Users receive high resolution, traceable, and repeatable measurements even in environments with considerable vibrations.

Detailed Measurement

Up to 500 million measurement points ensure a meticulously detailed measurement. Measurements with tolerances in the μm and sub-μm range along with large working distance are achievable. The high measurement point density of Focus-Variation enables operators to gain a consistently high lateral and vertical resolution even across high measurement volumes. Traceable measurement of small and often hard to access radii, angles, and roughness are also possible.

Full form Measurement

Users measure surfaces from numerous perspectives. Single measurements are automatically merged into a full 3D dataset. High-precision and calibrated rotation and tilt axes ensure automated, repeatable and traceable measurement on the whole measurement object.

Real3D Technology

  • Real3D technology offers –
    • complete geometry measurements of complex component geometries,
    • analysis of even complex profiles and the measurement of flat and curved components and
    • verification of form deviations
  • By creating a digital twin of the component, target-actual comparisons to CAD data are possible.

Difference Measurement

Difference measurement is used to numerically compare two different geometries. A typical application is the measurement of wear before and after use of a cutting tool. Also, users measure form deviations to a CAD-dataset or reference geometry. The module is also used in the field of Reverse Engineering.

3D form Measurement

Operators measure regular geometries and curved surfaces. Automatic fitting of spheres, cones and cylinders enables the visualization and form measurement of tools and other components. Also, deviation from target geometry becomes clear.

Contour Measurements

Users measure angles, distances, circles, incircles, circumcircles, thread pitches etc. from every position. In addition, the contour measurement module includes roundness measurement. Even complex profiles of, e.g. along helixes, are measured.

Fusion Measurement

Single measurements from various positions are automatically merged into a 3D data set. The Real3D technology allows the visualization of the component from different angles plus a measurement of contour, difference and form.


Precise, Fast and Flexible

The expansion from 3 to 5 axes allows measurements of geometries that are otherwise difficult or impossible to access. High-precision tilting and rotating axes enable the measurement of GD&T and roughness parameters on the entire measured object.

Technical Specifications